Why is India compared with Brazil in SSC Geography Lessons?
SSC students to get lessons on Brazil in Geography textbooks
SSC students to get lessons on Brazil in Geography textbooks
Mumbai Live Team & Rupali Shinde
Apr 6, 2018, 10:06 AM
From this year, SSC students will be able to study countries other than India while studying India’s Geography. The new textbook will contain a thorough, almost page-by-page comparison with Brazil on various aspects such as climate, topography, vegetation and more.
Apart from this, SSC Mathematics (Part I) textbook which was released on Wednesday, will include a chapter on financial planning which will provide information on GST, income tax, mutual funds and share markets.
It is being said that the SSC board is trying to shed its laggard image while other boards are changing their syllabus to make them more-up-to-date.
N J Jadhav, Chairperson, Geography subject committee, told Times Of India,
We picked Brazil on the basis of its similarities as well as differences with India.”
Brazil was chosen as a country for comparison as it is located in a different hemisphere and a different continent but has cultural and natural diversity and a democratic form of Government like India.
because India and Brazil have republic government
because India and Brazil have republic governmentindia and Brazil are developing countries