English, asked by Anchalkumari87, 11 months ago

Why is it important to have green plants around the house?
3. Name some diseases caused due to stagnant dirty water.
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Answered by malugedam2


Green plants are not just important to the human environment, they form the basis for the sustainability and long-term health of environmental systems. Green plants remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and generate the oxygen required for life. Green plants are also a good source of food and protection.

Answered by aarnavisharmaa18


Houseplants are good for your health — and not just for their visual beauty. Why? They essentially do the opposite of what we do when we breathe: release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. This not only freshens up the air, but also eliminates harmful toxins. Extensive research by NASA has revealed that houseplants can remove up to 87 per cent of air toxin in 24 hours. Studies have also proven that indoor plants improve concentration and productivity (by up to 15 percent!), reduce stress levels and boost your mood — making them perfect for not just your home but your work space, too.

At work, place plants, especially those with broad leaves, on your desk; they will help regulate humidity and increase levels of positivity — seeing greenery and nature help us feel more relaxed and calm, which in turn benefits your every day mood. Indoor plants serve a practical and aesthetic purpose, and will enhance your life.

Cholera: It is caused by bacteria named Vibrio cholera. This disease is gastrointestinal.

Typhoid: It is caused by bacteria named Being gastrointestinal it is caused by consuming contaminated food or water.

Dysentery: It is the result of the inflammation of the intestines due to the bacteria named shigella/ Salmonella.

Botulism: It is caused by toxins released by bacteria named Clostridium Botulinum. It is a fatal disease resulting in weakness, loss of vision and improper speaking.

Polio: Polio is a rare disease caused by polioviruses. It is not curable and results in the paralysis of arms, legs or diaphragm.

Hepatitis A: It causes inflammation of the liver by the Hepatitis A virus spread through contaminated food and water.

Diarrhea: Caused by Rotavirus or Norovirus, it results in loose stools dehydration.

Malaria: Malaria is a fatal waterborne disease spread by stagnant water born mosquito i.e. Plasmodium Parasite Mosquito that breeds in contaminated water bodies.

Filariasis: This parasitic disease is carried by black flies and mosquitoes causing Elephantiasis. This disease severely affects the limbs.

Giardiasis: It is a common waterborne disease caused by a Protozoa resulting in diarrhea, bloating, stomach ache and gas pains

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