Biology, asked by text2izharahmad, 6 months ago

Why is it important to practise the 4rs


Answered by Sriramgangster


\huge\underline{\mathtt\red{A}  \mathtt\purple{N} \mathtt\green{S}\mathtt\blue{W} \mathtt\blue{E} \mathtt\orange{R}}



➪ Reuse

➪ Recycle

➪ Reduce

➪ Repurpose

➪ Refuse

\textsf\red{\underline{Detailed explanation of these terms:-}}

➪ Reuse: Use again or more than ones.

➪ Recycle: Recycling is the process of converting waste materials into new materials and objects.

➪ Reduce: Make smaller or less in amount, degree, or size.

➪ Repurpose: Repurposing is the process by which an object with one use value is transformed or redeployed as an object with an alternative use value.

➪ Refuse: Refuse, simply means say NO. Refusing materials is the primary way to lower our impact on the landfill.

Now let's come to the question.

\textsf\orange{\underline{Importance of 5R's:-}}

Practicing the 5 R's (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rot, and Rethink) allows YOU to send less trash to our local landfill while producing jobs, saving energy, and preserving our natural resources.

Hope it helps you a lot my friend❤

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