why is it important to separate religion from the state
It is important to separate religion from state because of the following reasons. 1) It is important for a country to function democratically. ... 3) It is important to separate religion from the stop the domination of one religious community over other.
Answer - 1.) The most important aspect of secularism is its separation of religion from start power . This is important for a country to function democratically.
2.) Within these religious groups, there will most likely be one group that is in a majority. If this majority religious group has access to state power, then it could quite easily use this power and financial resources to discriminate against and persecute persons of other religions.
3.)The majority could quite easily prevent minorities from practising their religions.
4.)Any form of domination based on religion is in violation of the rights that a democratic society guarantees to each and every citizen irrespective of their religion.
5.)Another reason that it is important to separate religion from the state in democratic societies is because we also need to protect the freedom of individuals to exit from their religion, embrace another religion or have the freedom to interpret religious teaching differently.
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