English, asked by ayushi7858, 2 months ago

Why is it important to sort waste? Give 2 reasons.

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Answered by kunalxgaming65


Each waste goes into its category at the point of dumping or collection, but sorting happens after dumping or collection. Segregation of waste ensures pure, quality material. Sorting on the other hand will end up producing impure materials with less quality

Answered by XxsoumyaxX


1. The materials that can be recycled range from paper and cardboard to different plastic and metal containers to batteries or electronic devices. Each type of garbage needs to be arranged in a different way, according to where you live and the recycling guidelines of the area, and use a specific method to dispose of it.

2. Unfortunately, in some places, recycling may not exist at all. If you live in a similar hazardous waste recycling framework, you must still consider sorting your household waste and, if possible, provide it to the nearest recycling plant yourself.

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