Computer Science, asked by mangalam3423, 1 year ago

Why is it necessary to test a large application at three levels : unit, integration as well as system, rather than thoroughly testing only at the system level?


Answered by SanaHamza


It reduces the debugging effort

Answered by AskewTronics

The reason for the above question is as follows:


  • When anyone develops a software then there may be the case for the error because the human can do mistake anywhere. So to check that there is an error in the software or not, the tester needs to test the software.
  • The testing is done at three levels- unit levels, integration level, and system level. It is because to catch the error anyone needs to examine anything with the help of its smallest part because the smallest part of think helps to catch the error easily. The three-level of the testing is as follows:
  1. The first level is the unit testing level, which is needed to test the case as the module by module.
  2. Then the second testing is integration testing. it is done after the combine the module. It is used to test that the combination of the module is working or not.
  3. Then the third testing is used to test the system after combining the whole software to check that the whole software is working or not.

Learn More:

  • Testing :
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