why is leaking of gas is easily detected in the home
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It is because the gas in our home (LPG) has a strong smell that is the reason leaking of this gas is easily detected.
no harsh its beacaus e LPG has added methane in it for a smell thts why it is easy to sence gass leekage
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Leaking of gas is easily detected in home because of the following :-
In home, a room is covered with 4 walls and air could be passed only through the windows or doors. In case if gas is leaking then it would be easily smelt by someone as the gas won't find any way to go out of the room.
In home, a room is covered with 4 walls and air could be passed only through the windows or doors. In case if gas is leaking then it would be easily smelt by someone as the gas won't find any way to go out of the room.
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