is life known to exist only on earth
☛There are some essential requirements or factors, which are very necessary for life to exist on any planet.
☛But Luckly, Earth is the only known planet known which fulfills all the requirements of life and proved life.
Here are some factors which proved Earth as a supportable life planet :-☟
⇨ Presence of essential elements:
The earth has essential elements like carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen.
✎These elements combine to form proteins- the building blocks of life.
⇨ Presence of oxygen:
Life cannot survive without oxygen. The Earth has a large amount of oxygen in the air.
⇨ Presence of water:
Water is also essential for life. The Earth has vast reserves of water.
✎Water regulates body temperature and also helps in processes like digestion, excretion,
⇨ Presence of atmosphere:
The atmosphere has a protective layer of ozone gas which saves the Earth from harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation from the sun.
⇨ Distance to star (temperature):
The Earth’s distance from the sun gives it the right temperature for the development of life-forms.
✎ If there were even a ten percent increase or decrease in the distance from the sun, the Earth would have been a cold or hot desert
⇨Right amount of mass and gravitational force:
The Earth has the right amount of mass. This mass produces strong gravitational force.
✎This force holds the atmosphere intact.
❥ If all these conditions/ matters match on another planetary / solar system other than ours, then possibly, there might have LIFE, otherwise Nill.