Why is Lok Sabha known as the first House?
It is known as LOWER HOUSE / LOK SABHA
& UPPER HOUSE is called. RAJYA SABHA albeit like in United Kingdom :
House of Commons in England ( Lower House) & House of Lords ( Upper House).
LOWER HOUSES in India & England , exercise the Actual-Real power as Directly Elected Reps.
UPER HOUSES in both countries are like a ‘ Monitor’, keeping an eye on bills & acts passed by the Lok Sabha & pass these / sent back for a review . And as a legislation is Passed Once Again, it becomes a law ( and Rajya Sabha has no role to play. It’s a system of Checks & Balances .
Interestingly :
The Indian Constitution is WHOLLY WRITTENT
The British Constitution is UNWRITTEN & is based on Customs, Usages , conventions &
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