Biology, asked by ScottAlexx, 10 months ago

why is mosquito parasite and why is mosquito not parasite​


Answered by Anonymous

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mosquito is a biological parasite, it is not a medical parasite.

There are two definitions of parasite. A biological/ecological definition and a medical/physiological interaction definition.

A parasite in biological terms is an organism that benefits from a parasitic relationship; a parasitic relationship being a non-mutual relationship between species, in which one species benefits at the expense of the other. Generally the host is not killed by a small number of parasites. When the host is killed the organism is usually called predator or parasitoid.

A parasite in medical terms is an organism that lives on or in a host and gets food from or at the expense of its host.

The difference is small but important; only the medical definition requires the parasite to live in or on the host for prolonged periods. It is a much narrower definition.

Biologically, a female mosquito is an indirect ectoparasite, it can be facultative or obligate depending on the species. It harms its host to benefit itself, that is all that is needed to be a parasite by the biological/ecological definition. And just like a leech or vampire bat it is hemophagic and leaves the host as soon as it is done feeding..

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