Why is seawater classified as mixture
termed as smoke. Most radiation exposure is from natural sources. ... X-rays and other medical procedures account for most exposure from this quarter. Less than 1% of exposure is due to the fallout from past testing of nuclear weapons or the generation of electricity in nuclear, as well as coal and geothermal, power plants.
Most radiation exposure is from natural sources. ... X-rays and other medical procedures account for most exposure from this quarter. Less than 1% of exposure is due to the fallout from past testing of nuclear weapons or the generation of electricity in nuclear, as well as coal and geothermal, power plantsMost radiation exposure is from natural sources. ... X-rays and other medical procedures account for most exposure from this quarter. Less than 1% of exposure is due to the fallout from past testinnatural sources. ... X-rays and other medical procedures account for most exposure from this quarter. Less than 1% of exposure is due to the fallout from past testing of nuclear weapons or the generation of electricity in nuclear, as well as coal and geothermal, power plants.Combustion, or burning, is a high-temperature exothermic redox chemical reaction between a fuel and an oxidant, usually atmospheric oxygen, that produces oxidized, often gaseous products, in a mixture g of nuclear weapons or the generation of electricity in nuclear, as well as coal and geothermal, power plants.x rays and radiations from atomic energy plant and natural radiationsMost radiation exposure is from natural sources. ... X-rays and other medical procedures account for most exposure from this quarter. Less than 1% of exposure is due to the fallout from past testing of nuclear weapons or the generation of electricity in nuclear, as well as coal and geothermal, power plants.
HEY MATE .....
➞Seawater is a mixture of many different substances. Some of these substances can be observed when the water in seawater evaporates and leaves behind salt.
➞Water, H2O, is a pure substance, a compound made of hydrogen and oxygen. ...
➞The pure evaporated water is collected and condensed to form distilled water.