why is secularism important in a democracy? how can we make sure that religion is separate from the control of the state?
Secularism is an essential feature of democracy as it is founded on liberal attitude and brings in tolerance in the social-cultural milieu. These two would lead to protect the principle of cooperation on which the democratic value fraternity is based. This fraternity is essential for protecting equality and liberty and thereby delivery of justice. Thus secularism is a tool to ultimately ensure delivery of justice in a democratic state. Secularism may be hard or complete separation of religion and state it, Soft that is based on religious tolerance. As regards india, being a plural society it practices Soft secularism.
Secularism is important in democracy because in democracy there are people who spoke diverse language and lots of people with different religion.
We can make sure that religion is separate from the control of that state when state does not impose any particular religion on other or take away their religion freedom.