Why is setting of standards is necessary for environmental health?
Standards refer to rule or method to do a process.
All the process should have standards to avoid consequences.
Setting standards among people to protect environment will mainly reduce spread of diseases and other environmental problem.
Some of the standards and their purpose
1. Proper dispose of waste and coverage of septic tank will reduce the spread of disease and disease causing insects.
2. Drinking boiled water is must to kill the harmful microorganisms present in water.
3. Planting own kitchen garden in all the houses will give all the nutrients to our body. It will also reduce the disorders due to harmful pesticides and insecticides used in growth of fruits and vegetables.
4. Planting trees in all the houses will reduces the mental stress and the air which people breathe would be made pure by more number of trees.
5. Preventing and increasing the usage of non-biodegradable materials and biodegradable materials respectively reduce the destruction of soil.
We can set the standards, but we need to follow those standards in all possible situation.