why is the damage to the ozone layer a cause for concern what steps are being taken to limit this damage
There is increased concern about the effect of ozone depletion. The depletion of ozone causes the harmful UV rays to reach the earth and this has resulted in increased incidence of skin cancers in humans. To limit the damage to the ozone layer, the release of CFCs into the atmosphere must be reduced.
The layer of ozone gas in the upper
atmosphere is known as the ozone
The ozone layer is very important
for the existence of life on earth
because it absorbs most of the
harmful ultraviolet radiation coming
from the sun and prevents them
from reaching the earth.
Ultraviolet rays can cause various
harms such as
Skin cancer
Eye disease known as cataract
.Damages the immune system
.It damages the crops
The steps being taken to limit the
damages of ultraviolet rays are
Limiting the use of substances
which lead to ozone depletion
such as CFCs
.Manufacturers of air
conditioners and refrigerators
are asked to minimize the use
of CFCs in the appliances and
use some environmentally
friendly alternative.
Many cleaning substances
which damage the promote
ozone depletion are banned
Ozone layer protects us from Sun’s harmful UV radiations. It shields the surface of the earth from ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the Sun. This radiation is highly damaging to organisms, for example, it is known to cause skin cancer in human beings.
There is increased concern about the effect of ozone depletion. The depletion of ozone causes the harmful UV rays to reach the earth and this has resulted in increased incidence of skin cancers in humans. UV rays may also cause genetic mutations in living organisms.
To limit the damage to the ozone layer, the release of CFCs into the atmosphere must be reduced. CFCs used as refrigerants and in fire extinguishers should be replaced with environmentally-safe alternatives. Also, the release of CFCs through industrial activities should be controlled.