Why is the decision of choice of career is considered the toughest ? Give examples from the letter "Choice of career"
from this lesson we learnt that the young seagull didn't adopt courage to fly from the ledge but at last it slide because it is the natural Instinct of the bird to fly similarly for human it is natural Instinct to work hard whoever doesn't work hard never gets what he wants
The decision of career considered the toughest because one's life depends upon this decision. Most of the times, the career we give much importance and energy ends up being a source of discomfort and unhappiness. It very much depends upon someone's likes, dislikes, hobbies, leisurely pursuits, skills and potential. It is beyond than just deciding what one will do to make living. It's the foremost step as one's life can either be prosperous or miserable depending upon one's choice. Therefore, one should spend some more time reflecting upon themselves in choosing a career that helps a person grow both economically and socially.