Why is the honeybee population on a decline
Scientists are researching the potential consequences of the rapid decline of the honey bee population in the U.S. and how to mitigate its effects before it causes dire problems for crop management and production.
Honey bees are essential for the pollination of flowers, fruits and vegetables, and support about $20 billion worth of crop production in the U.S. annually, Matthew Mulica, senior project manager at the Keystone Policy Center, a consulting company that works with the Honey Bee Health Coalition.
☆hey mate ..☆
》here is your answer《
➡️The largest contributor to the decline of bee health is the varroa mite, a parasite that invades hives and and spreads diseases. The populations of wild bees and other pollinators are suffering too The die-offs are happening primarily because insects are losing their habitats to farming and urbanization.