why is the local time of 82.5 degree East taken as the Indian Standard Time?
the longitudinal extent of India is 68 degree 7minutes East to 97 degree 25 minutes East.
the degree of longitude of standard meridian of India is 82 degree 30minutes East, which passes through mirzapur I. e. that is the center of India. This enable us to overcome the time differences of 2 hours between Gujarat and Arunachal Pradesh. It is considered as Indian standard time.
To avoid time gap of two hours between east and west part of India which may create confusion in working, it is essential to have standard meridian.
This IST is the average of the time on the westernmost and easternmost IPS of India
The time on the easternmost tip of India is 2 hours I had done the time on the westernmost tip of India in order to avoid this confusion the average of these two times is chosen at the Indian Standard Time