Social Sciences, asked by Buddhadev7277, 6 months ago

Why is the media one sided


Answered by Itzgoldenking


Media: if it’s pushing against government, it’s doing right. If not, it’s doing wrong

By definition, free press is liberal. It’s logical. The main function of the press is to investigate the government all the time, make the tough questions and say the uncomfortable truths, check if the public interest is being harmed. By doing these things, in general, media tends to be a pain for the establishment, which is also, by definition, conservative. It does not mean, however, that one is better than the other. According to democratic principles, one’s own point of view is gold, no matter what.

But here is another thought: you are probably questioning why is mainstream media so democrat, and if this is the question, the answer is more complex.

The two last democrat incumbents, Clinton and Obama had a far less aggressive approach from “liberal” media (between quotes because “liberal” in the US today means conservative anywhere else) than Republican administration.

Why? Well, this is the-one-zillion-dollars question. Obama’s benchmarks policies like the Obamacare and the foreign affairs were more liberal (without quotes), yes, but his economics were very corporate-friendly. Inequality increased (as it did during Bill Clinton administration) and public money mainly paid for the 2008 crisis while the banking sector became heavily concentrated in the hands of a few groups.

This friendliness to democrat incumbents didn’t cost only the failure to do the media’s investigative job that bring down presidents, but also the credibility of the mainstream media in the eyes of older, less educated audiences. The life of the average American got worse while all these audiences heard was that the things were getting better. This is why today, the New York Times can print a picture of Trump doing any atrocity and he will dodge it by saying “it’s fake news”. If “liberals” said, it must be fake, they think. This also the reason why his ratings don’t fall one accusation after another.

Opinions aside, the mainstream media offensive against Trump is mostly well-done journalism. He is running the country recklessly and breaking any standards (written or not) furiously to pursue his own agenda and what you call “liberal” media is just the chronicle of an insane administration compared to what the law says. There is no need to be left-wing to see that. The Economist or Financial Times, hardly Marxist publications, blast him just as equal

But there is a catch: the reason for me to say “opinions aside” is because when it comes to opinion, you can throw in the trash bin 99% of what you read, because it does not have anything to do with journalism or press (even when it comes from big companies). The vast majority of it has very little balance, reason and rationality - both to the left or right. The digitization of everything built new social measurements which reward prejudice and rage instead of rationality and togetherness. Discussions are supposed to bring people together, not the opposite. Today, both sides are not trying to convince the others. They’re just making their own sides get angrier. And it’s working.

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