Geography, asked by ruhihussain16, 1 year ago

Why is the water deterioting day by day?


Answered by AbhayT
The quality of water is deteriorating because of many reasons- 
1) We often get water from polluted sources. The Ganga is an example of a very polluted river which provides water to millions. 
2) Water is often 'recycled' i.e sewage is treated and released into a water body. The same water is used again. 
3) Many factories release untreated wastes into rivers. This is a major concern. 
4)Available fresh water is declining every day. People have to rely on sea water.
Answered by Anonymous
Human Population is growing day by day
Fresh water sources are being used extensively by Industries.
Pollution of fresh water sources.
Climate change due to global warming has caused extremes in temperatures. Because of this, most of our fresh water is either frozen, in the sea due to surface run-off or is in the atmosphere in the form of water vapour
Areas that recieved adequate rainfall now recieve more or less than adequate rainfall. Excess rainfall md deforestation causes surface run-off of water into the sea.
Surface run-off also increases due to reduced the soil cover as most of the land area is concrete now.
No soil cover has reuced ground water table, the ultimate source of fresh water on land.
The above ans. was for detroitation in sources of water.

This ans. is for detroitation in quality.
No pure ground water is available as most of is polluted due to extensive use of chemical fertilizers in agriculture. In fact, ground water is not available in many places due to decrease in soil cover and deforestation.
Rivers have been polluted extensively by industries.
Recent studies have shown that bottled water contains microplastic. This cannot be removed by RO or UV which is generally used to purify water. [Source—DNA]
Most of now wear clothes made up of synthetic fibres such as nylon and polyester. When we wash these clothes, several microfibres go into the sewarage. This sewarage ultimately ends up in the rivers. Even if the water is treated using advance techniques, these fibres cannot be removed [Source—Curiosity]
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