Why is there a need for separate state governance
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Well we really have Government at a lot of levels. We have Gram Panchayats, Municipal Corporations. We also have district administration although they are not elected but none the less they are also government.
No country can be truly or efficiently governed by one person or one establishment. Some sort of local administration is a must. The only question is whether it has to be an appointed administration or an elected one. Democracies usually opt for an elected government.
Another reason to have state governments is that we have a federal structure although not as strong as the US. In our constitution itself in part XI power distribution between the federal government and state governments is defined. Legislative, administrative and executive powers have been divided between the Central Government and the State Governments. The legislative powers are divided into three lists: The Union list, The States list and The Concurrent list.
Practically, besides ease of administration the main reason to have state governments is to enable governments to meet the regional aspirations of the diverse people who inhabit one single country. It is the duty of a government to look after the interest of everybody and not just the majority. We have different cultures, different languages, different customs in different parts of the country. It would be impossible for a single government at Delhi to do proper justice to all these diverse needs and demands of our population. Even within the states we have organisations like tribal councils etc to preserve and protect the rights of various scheduled tribes which inhabit our diverse country.
If we look at history we always had a lot of kingdoms throughout the land and even when a strong ruler at the centre controlled a large area, it was a feudal system with local rajahs, nawabs, zamindars etc controlling their own areas. The current system of a strong central government and various state governments is the best way to keep a unique and diverse country like India united.
In fact US is a much stronger federal structure compared to ours. Even city and county governments have their own taxes, own police and own schools. Most of their laws are also statewise. For example 19 states in the US have abolished death penalty. Even abortion laws are different states are different. Inspite of a Supreme Court judgement legalising abortion 41 states have passed laws restricting abortion. In fact 10 of these states have passed legislation which makes abortion almost impossible.
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