why is there a need for us to accurately state
Why is there a need for us to accurately state or change the direct speech to reported speech pattern?
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Why is there a need for us to accurately state or change the direct speech to reported speech pattern?
Accurately reproducing direct speech is necessary if you are quoting what someone has said. Misquoting is like deliberately altering someone’s photo. It is only ok to paraphrase or summarise someone’s statement if that is clearly made explicit in your text.
Changing a quoted passage into indirect speech is a different matter. It is then obvious to the reader that you might have to alter the text, if only slightly.
He said, ‘I have the greatest respect for Sam.’ [If that’s what he said, it must be written in exactly those words.]
‘I heard him say that he really respected his friend Sam.’ [It is clear that those were not his exact words. You are entitled to paraphrase into indirect speech, but not to distort the meaning.]