Why is urbanization spreading in ganga-brahmaputra basin
Situated in the Northern half of the Indian sub continent, the ganga Brahmaputra basin constitutes the second largest hydrologic region in
the world. The total drainage area of the basin region is about 17 4 million
hectare spreading over India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan in South
Asia and Tibet region of China north of Himalayan divide. Nestled amidst
the natural watersheds of Himalayas in the north (and beyond into Tibet),
Vindhayas in the south, the Aravalis in the west, Patkai, Naga and
Lushai hills in the east. The Ganga-Brahmaputra basin is a single,
sprawling, integrated, transboundary drainage system with a common
terminus. The basin consists of two major river systems of the Ganga and
the Brahmaputra and one relatively smaller river system of the Barak,
which becomes the Meghna in Bangladesh.
percent in Nepal, and 2.5 per cent in Bhutan. Almost 10 percent of the
world's humanity lives in this region, which contains only 1.2 percent of
the landmass.
Ganga–Brahmaputra plain is one of the densely populated regions of the world.
Urbanisation is increased over in the Ganga–Brahmaputra basin which evacuated from rural regions to urban areas because of depletion of ground water in rural areas due to over irrigation and contamination of water due to municipal wastes. Some rural places changed to semi urban region because of industry infusion to the rural region of plain. Many settlements and their patterns changed its character and evoluted over the period of time gradually.