Biology, asked by Jayaqueen, 10 months ago

Why is variation beneficial to the species but not necesaary fot individual??


Answered by Kayraqueen

Heyy jaya!! Uh have so many doughts by don't worry we r there

Ur answer is

variation can sometimes be harmful to an individual. evolution is not a done and go process, rather it is a series of small events, or mutations which lead to a change in a particular population. this is not a fortnight process either. it takes hundered of years to be stabilized. now coming back to your question,

say, there is a population of black colored moths. say, a mutational change caused a black color moth to be grey colored. As an individual, it would be hunted out easily and its chances of survival will be less. if this took place around industrial revolution, the progeny of the grey colored moth, would be benefited more.

So, sometimes, or most of the times the survival of an individual depends on the environmental and geographical factors than looking it as success for a species.

Hope it helps

Good night

Jayaqueen: Hii
harshitagarwal624: who is on.?
Jayaqueen: Hiii
Jayaqueen: What do uh mean by who is on??
harshitagarwal624: means ny one is online.!
harshitagarwal624: but i'll talk to u 2moro....
harshitagarwal624: Bbye Gst.❤
harshitagarwal624: try to come at 4 morning or else in 2 or 4 in day tym
Jayaqueen: No i cant
harshitagarwal624: so in day tym
Answered by harshitagarwal624

it is benificial cuz to judge the individual and continuty of life but it is not necessasry cuz if the indiviadual physical apprence is same that will aslo doesn't mattter.!

Jayaqueen: Thx
Jayaqueen: Bt i want in detail
harshitagarwal624: sryy bt i know this mch...btw u like the above ans... refer to that only then
Jayaqueen: Okk
Jayaqueen: Urs is also good dude
harshitagarwal624: Thanq.(^_^)
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