English, asked by Anonymous, 2 months ago

why is Vladimir putin bald​


Answered by nitashreetalukdar


While I couldn’t find the actual medical reason that Putin is bald, I did find that Russians have a joke called Лысый-Волосатый, or bald-hairy. This joke dictates that the successor of a bald leader will be a “hairy” leader, and vice versa. This joke dates back to 1825, when the first “bald” leader- Nikolai the First-suceeded his “hairy” brother Alexander the First. When Alexander the Second-a “hairy” leader-took over from his father in 1855, they formed the first bald-hairy pair.

This seems to hold true even in the present day, with Medvedev who has a full head of hair, and Putin, who is bald

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