why is water nessasarry for our body
Here are just a few important ways water works in your body:
Protects body organs and tissues. Carries nutrients and oxygen to cells. Lubricates joints. Lessens burden the on kidneys and liver by flushing out waste products.
Drinking water does more than just quench your thirst — it’s essential to keeping your body functioning properly and feeling healthy. Nearly all of your body’s major systems depend on water to function and survive. You’d be surprised about what staying hydrated can do for your body.
Here are just a few important ways water works in your body:
Regulates body temperature
Moistens tissues in the eyes, nose and mouth
Protects body organs and tissues
Carries nutrients and oxygen to cells
Lubricates joints
Lessens burden the on kidneys and liver by flushing out waste products
Helps dissolve minerals and nutrients to make them accessible to your body
Every day, you lose water through your breath, perspiration, urine and bowel movements, which is why it’s important to continue to take in water throughout the day. For your body to function at its best, you must replenish its water supply with beverages and food that contain water.