why it is nesscary to water crops frenquently in summers?
If you choose to water your plants later in the day, water them in the late afternoon when the sun is not at its peak. This will help the plants absorb water before the nightfall and will not hamper their growth in any way. Watering during this time avoids evaporation of water.
In summer season you can always water your plants in evening. Many container grown, sun loving vegetables and outdoor potted flowering shrubs need to be watered twice a day (Morning and evening) in Indian summer, particularly during the months of April and May. You may like to try self watering containers.
Crops require more water during the summer season because this is their active growing season and because they are losing more water due to the increased temperatures and prolonged daylight.
Most students learn a simple, three part water cycle. It includes precipitation, condensation, and evaporation. Evaporation occurs when liquid water turns into a vapor. Summer means longer days with higher temperatures, and this means more evaporation. A type of evaporation happens to plants. It's called "transpiration." It is the process in which liquid water is moved up a plant from the roots to tiny pores on the leaves, and then the water vaporizes and is released into the atmosphere. Just like summer increases evaporation rates, summer increases transpiration rates as well. Because the plant is losing more water, it needs to obtain more water.