why it was difficult for swami to convince his father?
Swami was reluctant to give the letter to the headmaster because he wasn't at all sure if he had been accurate in his description of his teacher. He could not decide how much of what he had said was imagined and how much of it was real. Samuel did not deserve the allegations that were put on him..
it was difficult for swami to convince his father because his father was very strict, he was stubborn and he do not want to that his child would not go to school and he know that his child always tell lie to not go to school .
we can also think that is father was very careful about his child study and making him good man to think about good path and bad path.
but swami can't understand what his father is telling to do he does not like to study so he make many excuses to not do study and told wrong thing about his samul teacher.