Why Khejdli movement and Chipko movement are famous? Explain.
Khejdli movement and Chipko movement are famous for their ideology of environment protection and opposition to deforestation.
Explanation: The meaning of word Chipko is ‘to hug’ or 'to embrace'. In Chipko movement this word is used as clinging to trees in order to protect them from cutting down.
In 1730 Amrita Devi and her three daughters led a fierce movement to protect the trees in Khejdli village. The King Of Marwar, Maharaja Abhay Singh, had ordered to cut down trees in Khejdli village to build his new palace. The villagers fiercely protected the trees by hugging them but many had to sacrifice their lives.
In 1927 Sunderlal Bahuguna, an environmentalist, initiated Chipko movement in Himalaya region. His famous slogan is ‘ecology is permanent economy’. The primary objective of the movement was to stop and reduce deforestation. Later in modern India in 1970 and 1973, Chipko movement was observed in various parts of India.