Economy, asked by auxelia135, 6 months ago

Why life the people are cunning?


Answered by aloksingh17801980


There requires explanation about two aspects,which are frequently misleading. meaning of “better life” and “cunning” . The concept of better life differs from one person to other person.For one person reading some good books and spend his leisure time at a scenic place seemed to be better. But another one prefer to throng around a busy street by spending money on food and drinks. depends upon ones concept about life one person wants to be rich enough to enjoy life. But other person look for a balance in money and intellectual progress as a measurement of better life.

Cunning person can only be successful in accumulating wealth or material benefits.when consider about their mental status they are restless and seldom enjoy a peaceful life. They exhibit a life of luxury,but in realty they face continuous threat from others. Because cunning people enjoy the resource of others by hooks and crooks. that means they enjoy the wealth of some one and always in a constant fear of loosing the forbidden fruit. Only benefits which really deserve to us make us happy and honored. The false prestige and bogus titles may not make one happy in the core of his/her self. Though they pretend to be jovial,there self always experience the struggle. In contrast, sincere people lead a peaceful and serene life until their death. In their death bed a sincere person face a calm death and a cunning person experience fear of guilty.

Cunning become a horrible aspect when one spoils other ones life by applying his cunning behavior. when your cunning behavior become a distraction to others you are crossing the limits. But some sort of cunning which only helps any one to ease his/her life and not affect any ones life can be considered in a mild category. Though we embarrassed about such cunning nature,by knowing the culprits pathetic situation we would like to forgive him/her.

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