Political Science, asked by Sakshi151185, 9 months ago

Why media is called one of the pillars of democracy?​


Answered by shree09021525


Media plays crucial role in shaping a healthy democracy. It is the backbone of a democracy. Media make us aware of various social, political and economic activities happening around the world. Media is called the fourth pillar due to important role of media in shaping public opinion

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Answered by naitikdewangans


Media plays an important role in our democracy and makes people aware about various kind of information in the form of news across the world. Media make the population of a country about the social, economic and political activities going around us. Media’s main job is to deliver the unbiased news without tampering and censorship. Media uses different platforms to spread the awareness about some important information via radios, news channel and different social media platforms. The media has its own opinion but they can put it in their own space i.e. editorials and leave it to the audience to make their own assessment. Media needs to promote the actual news based on facts and it should not deliver information or news under any kind of political pressure, in that way they maintain their credibility and gain trust of the audience.

In a democratic setup, everybody has a right to express and people can oppose the amendments and laws made by any government bodies. But in today’s era media in some country is facing critical and significant crisis. Media houses are now taking turn to corporatizing to acquire advanced technology and great infrastructure. Now days, Media houses are just focusing on making themselves wealthy and earn the highest TRP rather than showing the true reflection of what is going in our society.

In a country like India, we have a diverse culture and a huge democracy in the world where people can express their emotions and what they feel about something but our media is continuously dividing the people into right wing and left wing, anti- government and pro- government. Media should not believe in such policies but they just need to present the true facts in front of the audience. Power corrupts but absolute power corrupts even more. So, media should just stay neutral and show their audience the exact news to maintain their goodwill in the market


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