English, asked by earthquake47031, 8 months ago

Why misogyny and misandry exist


Answered by shanayasharma33


Because intelligence is not a wired component of a human being. We see this all around us: Greedy, short-sighted politicians and the people who vote for them, conspiracy theorists and the gullible who believe them, sociopathic scammers and the naive who fall for them.

Misogyny is a badge of the ignorant, intolerant, unempathetic, gullible, fearful, immature, and angry. They feel threatened, against all reason, at the prospect of women competing on an equal playing field or having an equal voice. They cringe at the thought that there may be no one they can claim superiority over— in fact they are exposed and terrified by the reality that their gender should not grant them special powers or privileges. Misogynists are akin to the racists who panic at the thought of not having an inferior group to scapegoat, disdain and whose lesser place in society props up their own egos. Also like racists, they direct an innate anger towards those more vulnerable than themselves.

Misandry, a hatred of men and a desire to see men toppled from their exalted positions and suffer as misandrists perceive women have, is no less ignorant but more commonly fuelled by anger and personal injustice. Very few women or men subscribe to this attitude, unlike misogyny which is a common thread in virtually all cultures.

Misogyny exists because we live in a patriarchal society, with men’s power over women, which reflects in literally every aspect of society.

Misogyny exists, simply put, because we live in a society where women’s lives are seen as secondary; where women are mere objects for men’s desire.

Misandry does not exist, because women do not have the political and socioeconomic power to systematically oppress and marginalize men; therefore, misandry cannot exist.

That depends on how you define the terms. If you see them as just feelings people have, then you can ascribe it to tribal group loyalty or deranged people or anything you like. If you see misogyny as a way to intentionally limit women’s power in society, then it’s a force that exists to preserve more status and wealth for men, and misandry doesn’t exist.

mitulsikdar341: Sorry but you have a bias view . Misandry is mistreatment/hatred of men . Just like Misogyny is the hatred of women. Misandry is just as popular (sarcasm) as misogyny .
mitulsikdar341: Women can and have oppressed men . Misandry exists . Because like you said some radical or feminazi women have been given rise to power and misusing the privileges granted to them.
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