Why moon does not have same average surface temperature as that of Earth, inspite they both are from almost same distance far from sun ?
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This is because of lack of atmosphere on the moon surface, moon is unable to maintain its temperature,
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The Temperature of moon during daytime is just above 100°C and during nighttime it goes below -150°C.
Also, at any one time, around 60% of the Earth’ surface is shaded from the Sun by clouds, reflecting around 20% of the Sun’s energy straight back into space. Also, on moon there is no ocean to cool the surface by evaporation, or take heat away from the equatorial area to cooler areas with currents. The only way the Moon’s surface can lose heat back to space is by radiating it from the surface. This happens quickly. As a point on the Moon’s surface near the equator moves round from the day side to the night side, it’s temperature drops rapidly.
Since the Moon and the Earth are approximately the same distance from the Sun, they receive sunlight of the same strength. So the temperature of the Earth and the Moon should be the same. It is also the Moon's lack of atmosphere that creates such extreme difference in temperatures. The Moon doesn't have an atmosphere to absorb sunlight like the Earth does. The Moon's lack of atmosphere also lets heat escape during lunar nights so that it gets rather chilly on the surface!
I hope it helps!
( *Info for the detailed answer is gathered from websites like Wikipedia and then arranged by me).
Mark As Brainliest if it helps :)
Also, at any one time, around 60% of the Earth’ surface is shaded from the Sun by clouds, reflecting around 20% of the Sun’s energy straight back into space. Also, on moon there is no ocean to cool the surface by evaporation, or take heat away from the equatorial area to cooler areas with currents. The only way the Moon’s surface can lose heat back to space is by radiating it from the surface. This happens quickly. As a point on the Moon’s surface near the equator moves round from the day side to the night side, it’s temperature drops rapidly.
Since the Moon and the Earth are approximately the same distance from the Sun, they receive sunlight of the same strength. So the temperature of the Earth and the Moon should be the same. It is also the Moon's lack of atmosphere that creates such extreme difference in temperatures. The Moon doesn't have an atmosphere to absorb sunlight like the Earth does. The Moon's lack of atmosphere also lets heat escape during lunar nights so that it gets rather chilly on the surface!
I hope it helps!
( *Info for the detailed answer is gathered from websites like Wikipedia and then arranged by me).
Mark As Brainliest if it helps :)
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