Why Mrs. is called as missis ?
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Just call me mizz. In the 20thcentury, another way to address women, married and unmarried alike, was born with the advent ofMs. Pronounced 'miz' to distinguish it from 'Miss', it is a blend of Mrs andMiss and, as such, isn't an abbreviation of a longer word.
Miss (pronounced /ˈmɪs/) is an English language honorific traditionally used only for an unmarried woman (not using another title such as "Doctor" or "Dame"). ... Its counterparts are Mrs., usually used only for married women, andMs., which can be used for married or unmarried women
Miss (pronounced /ˈmɪs/) is an English language honorific traditionally used only for an unmarried woman (not using another title such as "Doctor" or "Dame"). ... Its counterparts are Mrs., usually used only for married women, andMs., which can be used for married or unmarried women
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If we pronounce the title Mrs. as “missus,” why is there an r in it? Despite its pronunciation, the abbreviation Mrs. is derived from the title mistress, which accounts for that confusing extra letter. Mistress is the counterpart of master, which—you guessed it—is abbreviated to Mr. (Of course, English speakers now pronounce the title Mr. as “mister.”)
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