India Languages, asked by ayushrao, 1 year ago

why NASA recommended Sanskrit as best language for computer essay in Sanskrit language.

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Answered by Golda
Indians can pride themselves not just for the richness in culture of the their country, but also for the scientific contribution that our literature has made to the world. It is really surprising, yet it is true. Sanskrit is the most ideal language for computer programming, and this has been proved by NASA.

One of NASA scientist Rick Briggs discussed why Sanskrit is one of the best languages for use in computer in his Paper Knowledge Representation in Sanskrit and Artificial Intelligence in the year 1985. He has written in his paper that for the duration of almost 1000 years, Sanskrit was a living spoken language with a considerable literature of its own. Besides works of literary value, there was a long philosophical and grammatical tradition that has continued to exist with undiminished vigor until the present century. The experts of Sanskrit grammar devised a method for paraphrasing Sanskrit language in a manner that is identical not only in essence but in form with current work in Artificial Intelligence. Sanskrit is basically much simpler than English in terms of sentence construction and this makes it easier for the program machines to understand and construct human languages. Briggs said that Panini's work could be a direct reference to try and have computers understand Sanskrit. 

Namita11: Really a awesome answer!
Answered by alinakincsem
The claim was based on the paper by Rick Briggs, distributed in AI Magazine. It discusses utilizing Sanskrit in normal language preparing (NLP). Using a characteristic language for PC writing computer programs is to make it less demanding for individuals to converse with PCs in their local tongue and spare them the torment of taking in a PC inviting language like assembly/C/Java.

The Rick Briggs' paper presents a defense that regular languages are not that hard to use for PC programming. He refers to Sanskrit for instance as its sentence structure can be effectively meant a frame reasonable by a PC. However, no place does it say that utilizing Sanskrit is an ideal approach to program a PC.

Sanskrit can be utilized at a high-level language to compose programs. Sanskrit can likewise be utilized to offer guidelines to cutting edge robots (Artificial Intelligence) since robots will probably comprehend Sanskrit better since Sanskrit is an all around modified common language. 
However, one needs to change the design of PCs to execute Sanskrit. This requires many individuals to learn Sanskrit. It additionally requires enormous measures of cash, research, and labor.
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