Biology, asked by arunanshukujur, 1 year ago

Why octopus are immortal ?


Answered by PranjalArya08


Because octopus has three heart.

KasisSingh81: but they are not immortal
arunanshukujur: They are immortal and not because they have 3 hearts
riya18325: stupid octopus is immortal because they die after giving birth to their young ones
laksh99: all your answer are wrong. just search on Google
Answered by laksh99

not all the octopus are immortal but some haunted octopus are because they are so much big that one wale - shark can't defeat him

arunanshukujur: Mad or what
KasisSingh81: octopus are not immortal they have to die once they give birth to their younger once
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