why on normal water our fingers gets wrinkles
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Laboratory tests confirmed a theory that wrinkly fingers improve our grip on wet or submerged objects, working to channel away the water like the rain treads in car tires. People often assume that wrinkling is the result of water passing into the outer layer of the skin and making it swell up.
There's no exact explanation to this yet. Researchers are studying theories for what might help cause the wrinkling.
There's no exact explanation to this yet. Researchers are studying theories for what might help cause the wrinkling.Here's one:
There's no exact explanation to this yet. Researchers are studying theories for what might help cause the wrinkling.Here's one:The skin's outermost layer, the epidermis, is responsible for this wrinkly reaction, which usually occurs after you've spent about half an hour in the water. The epidermis contains the protein keratin, which strengthens your skin and helps keep it moist. Dead keratin cells make up the epidermis' own surface layer known as the stratum corneum, which is Latin for "horned layer"
There's no exact explanation to this yet. Researchers are studying theories for what might help cause the wrinkling.Here's one:The skin's outermost layer, the epidermis, is responsible for this wrinkly reaction, which usually occurs after you've spent about half an hour in the water. The epidermis contains the protein keratin, which strengthens your skin and helps keep it moist. Dead keratin cells make up the epidermis' own surface layer known as the stratum corneum, which is Latin for "horned layer"These dead keratin cells in the stratum corneum absorb water easily and start to swell after extended periods in the water, but the living keratin cells deeper in the skin do not. As the dead cell layer expands, it begins to take up more surface area, but it's still connected to the living cells beneath and doesn't have anywhere to go. As a result, the stratum corneum wrinkles to give the temporary new surface area someplace to go.
There's no exact explanation to this yet. Researchers are studying theories for what might help cause the wrinkling.Here's one:The skin's outermost layer, the epidermis, is responsible for this wrinkly reaction, which usually occurs after you've spent about half an hour in the water. The epidermis contains the protein keratin, which strengthens your skin and helps keep it moist. Dead keratin cells make up the epidermis' own surface layer known as the stratum corneum, which is Latin for "horned layer"These dead keratin cells in the stratum corneum absorb water easily and start to swell after extended periods in the water, but the living keratin cells deeper in the skin do not. As the dead cell layer expands, it begins to take up more surface area, but it's still connected to the living cells beneath and doesn't have anywhere to go. As a result, the stratum corneum wrinkles to give the temporary new surface area someplace to go.But if most of your body is submerged in the water, why do these wrinkles occur only on the hands and feet and not on other areas? Because they get so much use, the palms of your hands and the soles of your feet have thicker skin -- and therefore a thicker layer of keratin -- than the rest of your body. This makes them especially susceptible to wrinkling in water.