why one should not be a bully?
one should not be bully because it is very bad to harras other this can lead to mentally health problems as well as physical health problems
You are depriving the person you bullying of reaching his fullest potential. When a person is bullied, he has more struggles in the classroom with keeping up with the work and flow in the classroom. Down the road it can also hinder a person’s work performance.
Bullying destroys trust in relationships. When a person is bullied, he develops a perception of what people are going to say or even do before it happens, so he has his defenses up most of the time.
This is a thought that I have. If you bully someone, he could turn on you at any time. He might not want to help you in YOUR time of need. He might have no desire to give you charity, support or to even assist you if you are hurt or injured.
If you think that it is okay to bully someone or decide to bully someone, think of this…Karma does have a way of turning around on you. You might be on the receiving end some day. Even if you do succeed in something and achieve some things in life, you might not get that job that worked hard to get. Having been bullied, if I were a manager somewhere and one of the candidates was a (former) bully I knew, he/she would never get the job, no matter how qualified he/she might be. If that’s not an incentive to NOT bully, then nothing probably is.