CBSE BOARD X, asked by aritrimandal, 1 year ago

why organic farming is much in demand today?


Answered by generalRd

plz mark brainliest

Here is what Organic India points is a reason for switch in preferences:

1. Individuals are making themselves aware of healthy ways of living. Smarter consumers prefer to eat healthy and spend on healthy food than to spend on medical treatments.

2. The constant checks made on certified organic products and use of composed manure reduce the chances of various diseases like cancers, brain damage or infant abnormalities.

3. Being high on nutritional levels, organic food is healthier and fresher to consume as compared to conventional food.

4. Organic products contain high level of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants than conventional farm food grown with the fertilizer.

5. An organic diet excludes toxic chemicals and genetically modified organisms (GMO) as chemical fertilizers and pesticides are not used while growing the crop.

6. Organic farming is better for the environment.

7. To opt for safe food and a healthy lifestyle, people prefer organic food as compared to other products.

8. The empty capsules used for Organic Indias Health supplements are made of plant cellulose (made from pine tree), so it is not harmful for human intake.


generalRd: plz mark me brainliest
generalRd: thanks
Answered by aparnahvijay

Because of the overuse of chemical fertilisers our soil , freshwater resources and other waterresources are getting polluted This also resulted in bio- magnification( the entry of non biodegradable poisonous substance in a food chain and its concentration increses as trophiclevel increases.

Using biodegradable fertilisers also lead to the lose of soil nutrients and made it less fertile.

So there is a great demand for organic farmiming today to end all these environmental hazards .

Hopes it helps.

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