why petrol is easily available in desert countries
Oil and gas are usually found away from sea.
That is why they are found in remote areas like deserts..
Pure coincidence. All major oil deposits formed underwater because they can only form in oxygen-poor environments. As you might imagine, it’s hard to be desert when you’re under water. In fact, a great many major oil deposits remain underwater today, although less than you might expect, primarily because we’re in an ice age which turned a lot of ocean into land.
The formation of oil typically takes tens of millions to hundreds of millions of years and takes place entirely below the surface of the Earth.
During this lengthy period of time, continental drift and climate makes the surface conditions change repeatedly. The regions that are desert and arctic today were entirely different over the years. In a couple of million years those sandy deserts could be forests and in 50 million years australia will have slammed into Asia.
Even after the oil has formed, it can stays a very long time underground because although oil naturally rises to the surface, it can easily become trapped, so much of the oil we drill can be well over a hundred millions years old.