Why pistil is very important?
Pistils are considered the female reproductive part of the flower. Each pistil typically consists of three flower parts: an enlarged basal ovary, one or more styles, and one or more stigmas (sing. stigma). In some flowers the style may be absent.
Pistils are considered the female reproductive part of the flower. Each pistil typically consists of three flower parts: an enlarged basal ovary, one or more styles, and one or more stigmas (sing. stigma). In some flowers the style may be absent.A pistil may consist of one or more ovule-bearing units called carpel. It may be equivalent to a single carpel, in which case it is called a simple pistil, otherwise it is composed of two or more fused carpels in which case it is called a compound pistil. Carpels are collectively called gynoecium.
- The pistil is the female part of the flower, and it's actually made up of several parts, usually arranged in the shape of a bottle. The stigma is the flat, sticky top.