why plastic ban???????
1.Plastic bags do not only pollute our water but also our land. Plastic bags are usually lightweight and as such, they can travel very long distances by either water or wind. Wind blows these plastic bags and trashes a whole area.
2.The plastic bags are made from non-renewable sources and on this account, highly contribute to climate change. Most of plastic is made of polypropylene which is a material manufactured from petroleum and natural gas.
3.Plastic bags do not degrade.
4.A lot of energy is used in producing these bags. The total amount of energy required to drive a car for one kilometer or 0.5 miles is the equivalent energy required to produce nine plastic bags.
5.These plastic bags are impacting the environment negatively in that they are making the Great Pacific garbage patch bigger every minute.
HI MATE!! :-)
Hey dear your answer is here:-
Plastic is banned because it cause many pollution licked water pollution, land pollution etc. Plastic is made up of polypropylene which is non renewable substance so it did not decompose in soil and harm our environment. So to stop pollution and harm to environment our indian government banned the usage of plastic many states.
Hope it helps you dear