Why polar area receives max insolation in upper atmosphere?
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Lessonactivities and Notes Insolation Insdation can be described as the incorning solar energy that reaches the Earth's atmosphere and surface. This energy is released from the sun in shart waves and travels through space urtilit reaches the earth's outer atmosphere (the Thermosphere) from where it can either be absorbed, reflected ar pass directly through the Eartis surface. Some absorbed radiatian reaches the Earthis surface as diffuseradiation but in total anly 46% d the energy received at the outer atmosphere is received by the Earthi's surface. This is known as the solar energy cascade but it isnot constant over different periods | dtimenarisit carnstant fadifferent locatians across the globe. Figure1 below shows that the amountd Insolation received by the Eartis surface does indeed vary. At theEquator there isayear round gaind Inslation and thisregion gains the most Inslationd alld | the locations on the globe. The amountd Inslation at the Equata alsovaries little throughout the year. As youprogressnorth and southd the Equator the amountd Insdation received by the Eartis surfacevaries seasonally and decreasesinquantity towardsthePales. The NorthernHemisphere receivesitsmaximum amourtd insdation between March and September, and for the Southern Hermisphere it is between September and March. There are timesd theyear whenPadar Regians receivenolnsolation at all. The principle reason fa these patterns is the way in which the Earth travels around the sun each year. This is shown in Figure 2. How theEarth orbits around the sun today _ March21 - Equinox Dec 21 0122 - Interitishce - the North pole fates away tranm the sun and tryingh inatanHTumn in the Northem hendephorn Purmanant darknessatheNpala The heat equatorisat theTropic af Capricorn TheEarthis test stan anglaef 235 10thann and haraslightly clara ortill June 21 or22 - summer solstice - the North Pole faces the sun givinp24 hours of daylight there heat equator at the Tropic of Cancer September 21. equinox The Earthis tilted at an angled 23. 5 "relativetothe sun and this has amarked impact upon the amourt d insolation received by different places and at different timesf the year. OnDecember the 21st (Mr Gs birthday) the North Pdeistilted away from the sun, and the maximum overhead sun is located at theTropicd Capricorn. Hence the NorthPdereceivesnoinslation at thistime and the Tropicd Capricorn itsmaximum amount. 3monthslater. TheEarth has moved intoapositian where the maximumoverhead sunisover the equator, which receives the most insulation. The Northern and Southern hemispheres are in spring and autumn respectively. On June the 219, theEarth has continued itsjourney sothat the maximumoverhead sunisover theTropicd Cancer (23. 5 ° N), and the NorthernHermisphere experiencesitsmaximum amountd insdlation received and summer. This accountsfor the seasonalityd Insdlation, but what about the tdal amount received by different attitudes? iciciprulife.com RIVARTon Selline Thetdal amountd insdlation received by the latitudesd the Earth does nd vary a great deal, but the curvatured the Earth ahsavital role toplay in determining how much Inslation is received by different places. Figure 3 below showsthis. Thedeoth of atmorphere the insolation has to pass: throuphtoreach the Earth 'ssurfacealtoincreases because of the ANGLEitreaches the Earh, so there is more scatter andabsorption Isolation The surfacearea covered by thesame amountol Linisolation increaseswith. latitude because of the curve of the Earth's satace Insolation Equator MITHAT Atmosphere
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