why saalumarada and her
उत्तर : रूस के सामाजिक, आर्थिक एवं राजनैतिक हालात 1905 से पहले जनसाधारण के लिए बहुत बुरे थे। ... जब रूसी रेल नेटवर्क का विस्तार किया जा रहा था तो सन् 1890 के दशक में कई कारखाने स्थापित किए गए और कारखानों में विदेशी निवेश बढ़ गया। कामगार उनकी दक्षता के अनुसार सामाजिक समूहों में बंटे हुए थे।Aug 4, 2018
The device which will be suitable for understanding the concept of day and night on the earth is a globe. The earth is round and it revolves around the sun as well as it revolves around itself. Now, a simple experiment can be done by taking a globe as a model of earth and a torch light as a source of light or the sun.Jun 26, 2018
The device which will be suitable for understanding the concept of day and night on the earth is a globe. The earth is round and it revolves around the sun as well as it revolves around itself. Now, a simple experiment can be done by taking a globe as a model of earth and a torch light as a source of light or the sun.Jun 26, 2018