History, asked by yzuhaib, 6 months ago

why should kashmir be a free state ..... ​


Answered by yangyang2266


First of Kashmir is not a state, its actually and 4 part area.

Kashmir (including Azad Kashmir)




Ladakh and Jammu does not want independence or anything to do with separatist movement.

Now Kashmir is a different story from both sides of the border. Pakistan is not giving up its occupied area (I say occupied bcs area official belong to India after signing of instrument of accession by the then ruler of the princely state in 1947).

But I support the idea of free Kashmir even though it will not last, just like it did not last in 1947 when Pakistan forcefully entered Kashmir.

But again all this is too complicated for a average Kashmiri to understand as they have been brainwashed by god know how many different outfits. And they still will like the idea of “free” Kashmir.

So say, as humbly as possible, lets give it to them. Kashmir not whole J&k just the 5 districts where average IQ had dropped to cave man era. Let them be free, let them manage their own country. Let then get attack by Pakistan again, and this time India does not get involved, let it be another Balochistan.

That's of course on one condition that who ever governs that area will pay the amount of money that was spend by Indian government over the years for Kashmir and amount that was spend by Indian government for the wars which had to fought for Kashmir. Of course they can not make a upfront payment so we strike a deal where in, the amount is either treated as loan. Or India get some of its natural resources if any.

And coming to the why part because a lot of lives have been lost, a lot of resources are being wasted. And there no point of rescuing someone who does not want to be rescued.

India will be happy, India wins.

Pakistan will be happy once they take over. Pakistan wins.

Kashmiris will suffer, separatist wins.

So let them be free, its win win win situation.

Hope it will help you

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