English, asked by aliciajocalleja, 1 month ago

Why should the date of Australia day be changed
write an introduction , 3 body paragraphs and a conclusion PLEASE DO THIS it would be helpful!!! tHANKS !


Answered by vrwananya


The changing of the date of Australia Day would broadcast our sincerity and hope for reconciliation for what the first settlers committed. To many Australians, Australia Day is just another day off. Therefore, Australia Day should be changed to a more appropriate date that truly represents Australians at our finest.

Until that point, Australians celebrated it in varying forms. Indigenous groups have been protesting against celebrating January 26th as any sort of public holiday for 90 years now !!! That’s a full 64 years before the day became an official holiday. This is why the date of Australia Day should be changed.

It’s Not the Day the First Fleet Landed in Australia

It’s Insensitive to the Plight of the Indigenous Community

It’s One of Many Days That Could Potentially Be Australia Day

It’s Not a Day of Celebration for the Aboriginal Community

It’s Not at All Inclusive

Many Australians Think the Day Should Be Changed

Australia Day Is More Than Just a Day for Many

Many Have Already Decided to Celebrate Another Day Themselves

The conclusion is quite simple. If you would like to portray Australia as the inclusive and multicultural nation it already is, then one way to do it is to change the day of Australia Day.

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