Political Science, asked by Klklkl424, 9 months ago

Why should we care about politics


Answered by Viper07


becoz u màke gov for yourself

1. Government and politics impacts nearly every aspect of our lives.

Whether we like it or not, government plays a huge role in our daily lives, ranging from the amount of tax you pay for your morning coffee, to the types of light bulbs you’re allowed to purchase.

Since we know that government impacts various choices we make, why not take the time to understand how the process works? Who makes these laws and how do they impact me?

Having this understanding can help you determine the best course of action for yourself and your family, regarding a wide range of issues. (Most of which are more important than your coffee and light bulbs.)

#2. Having knowledge of politics helps make you an informed voter.

It’s a well known fact that many Americans don’t vote. In fact, a recent PBS news article found than even though the polls received record voter turnout during the 2016 presidential election, these totals still only amounted to 58% of eligible voters.1

For those who do vote, I believe it’s important to go to the polls armed with the facts. Whether you’re voting for President or voting on a local ballot initiative, having the facts helps you make an informed decision on the issues.

This isn’t to say that it's necessary to read every newspaper article about an issue or watch every television interview with a candidate, but doing some independents research can give you peace of mind that you’ve done your homework prior to casting your ballot.

#3. Politics is entertaining.

While it might not be as entertaining as going out with your friends on a Friday night, politics can be quite fun. A good example of this is elections. My first memory of “exciting” politics was the recount of 2000.

I was in Junior High, and I recall being fascinated by the process. Elections come with everything from the drama of campaigns prospering and collapsing, to watching various “negative” campaign ads.

Being a spectator of it can be exciting. Is my candidate ahead in the polls? What was their latest blunder? Just think, this fun only occurs during election season. However, vigorous debates with friends and family about the current hot-button political issues can occur any time! Also, who doesn’t like a good political scandal.



Answered by sreyasinharkl


Government and politics impacts nearly every aspect of our lives.

Whether we like it or not, government plays a huge role in our daily lives, ranging from the amount of tax you pay for your morning coffee, to the types of light bulbs you’re allowed to purchase.

Having knowledge of politics helps make you an informed voter.It’s a well known fact that many Americans don’t vote. In fact, a recent PBS news article found than even though the polls received record voter turnout during the 2016 presidential election, these totals still only amounted to 58% of eligible voters.

I hope my answer helps you .

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