Why should we save animal from extinction
The health of an ecosystem is maintained by its plants and animals. When species become endangered, it is a sign of an ecosystem's imbalance. This balance is difficult to maintain: the loss of one species often triggers the loss of others. ... When saving endangered species, we are ultimately saving ourselves.
While many believe that the protection of endangered species can be explained for very obvious reasons, others question why it is important to save animals from extinction. The essay is intended to clarify animal welfare issues. The current essay on animal extinction aims to provide a sound discussion of why animals should be saved from extinction. The main question to be answered in the following animal death essays is whether there are ecological benefits from a conservation perspective. We provide the pros and cons of animal welfare to make it clear that it benefits neither the environment nor humanity. Overall, the international community should take action to remedy the situation and prevent dramatic consequences for humanity.
What does the word "endangered" mean? Before we begin the discussion, we need to provide some background information. It is well known that species are considered vulnerable if they are at risk of extinction, which can be caused by many factors, including climate change and human influence. Therefore, in order to clarify whether a species is endangered or not, it is necessary to observe the growth and decline trends of the species and the reasons why it is endangered. One of the most notable debates about animal welfare concerns high levels of biodiversity. The term "biodiversity" means the diversity of living species. If biodiversity is not a problem, no environmental intervention is necessary. But the imbalance in biodiversity means that some animals are endangered and need to be protected. All this means that removing an important species from an ecosystem, whether it be a plant or a predator, can completely destroy the entire environmental system. In addition, endangered species are indicators of human health. For example, after certain species, such as the bald eagle, become extinct, environmental hazards associated with their extinction have adversely affected human health. This means that appropriate measures must be taken to prevent potential harm to people's well-being.
Any problem in the ecosystem will affect humans in some way. In short, endangered species provide an important warning to humanity.
Another aspect related to animal extinction is that many extinct species are seen as some kind of cultural symbol. An example of such a symbol is ivory, which has caused a real epidemic in terms of poaching. The same applies to the tiger skin, which has long been considered a prized symbol all over the world. This argument leads to the assumption that protecting endangered species is in many ways akin to restoring ruined cathedrals and other iconic buildings that hold symbolic importance to humanity. . Another important issue is the scientific value of various endangered species. In fact, many species are endangered, but at the same time useful from a scientific point of view. Many plants on the endangered species list are of value for development in areas such as public health, especially cancer research, and agriculture when it comes to developing organic pesticides. Destroying these species before researchers have had a chance to fully study their properties will surely have many negative effects on humanity as a whole. Cancer research in particular is of great importance, as some of the endangered plant species may be of value in solving the growing problem of cancer. It's worth noting that some believe that researchers spend a lot of money on the arguments against animal welfare with little impact. Animal welfare efforts often harm local industries such as agriculture and mining. But there are counterarguments that industrial destruction harms the environment because former workers in agriculture and other industries earn money through illegal means, including poaching. I argue that it is not. Ecotourism has become a successful attraction for people. The adventures you can experience on safari will undoubtedly bring a lot of money to the global economy. Ecotourism allows people to see rare and exotic species that they have never seen before.