English, asked by Anaha55, 10 months ago

Why should we save water ?ASL speech


Answered by mansisaini65

1.Water is a precious resource that nature has bestowed on Planet Earth. Water is vital for all life forms as also for all vegetation. Terrestrial life forms need water to drink. If they do not get water to drink they will perish. All aquatic creatures need water bodies to live in. Water bodies, whether they are rivers or seas or oceans, are their habitat. Vegetation needs water to survive. All vegetation will wither and die in the absence of water. Water is therefore an important resource that must be saved. We must not waste water. We must use water judiciously.

2.Water must be used judiciously. Wastage of water must be avoided. We can save water by using the resource carefully. We must save water in whatever way we can. When we use water in our homes we must be careful to not waste it. Drinking water must be stored in a clean and hygienic way. If water gets contaminated and is discarded due to improper storage it results in unnecessary wastage of water. Similarly, the water we use for our personal hygiene and for various domestic requirements must be in reasonable quantities according to requirement. Using too much water for our shower or while brushing our teeth can be avoided. Taps must be closed when we are not using them. Likewise, if taps or water pipes are found to be leaking, we must repair them right away. We must also avoid using drinking water for watering our gardens at home.

there are 2 paragraphs you can choose some points from it for your ASL......


Anonymous: Hi
Answered by Anonymous


Like Air, Land, Food, the water is also required to survive the life on the earth. Without this water we cannot imagine or we are not able to live the life on the earth. Water is our life, it will used in huge amount for making our life possible on earth.Conserving water is important because it keeps water pure and clean while protecting the environment. Conserving water means using our water supply wisely and be responsible. As every individual depends on water for livelihood, we must learn how to keep our limited supply of water pure and away from pollution

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