Science, asked by gunduravimudhiraj76, 11 months ago

Why should you protect animals and plants ?​


Answered by sweetysinghal7109


The conservation of endangered species is important for humans as well. A well-balanced ecosystem purifies the environment, giving us clean air to breathe, a healthy water system to support diverse marine life, and arable land for agricultural production. ... When ecosystems fail, our own health is at risk.

Answered by ollyisa3344

Answer:                                 ANIMALS:

This balance is difficult to maintain: the loss of one species often triggers the loss of others. When grey wolves were hunted to near-extinction in Yellowstone National Park, beaver populations also decreased significantly. This is because elk, without the wolf as its predator, grazed more heavily on plants needed by beavers for winter survival.

The conservation of endangered species is important for humans as well. A well-balanced ecosystem purifies the environment, giving us clean air to breathe, a healthy water system to support diverse marine life, and arable land for agricultural production.

It also provides us with unique plants with medicinal properties, which serve as the foundation of our medicines. When ecosystems fail, our own health is at risk. When saving endangered species, we are ultimately saving ourselves.


We all need plants. People around the world are recognizing just how important both wild and cultivated plants are to human survival and development. Conservation action takes many forms, from education, research and seed banking activities, to natural area management and restoration. But why is it so vital to conserve plants?

The natural processes of plants protect our planet and supply the air we breathe and the water we drink.

Plants harvest sunlight and are the primary producers of the energy in all food chains. Plant communities or vegetation are the structural basis of the ecosystems in which we all live. They maintain the physical and chemical integrity of those ecosystems.

Plants prevent soil erosion and desertification.

Plants provide the raw materials for food, clothing, medicines, construction and many other products that sustain our lives.

Plants enhance our quality of life – they add variety and beauty to our surroundings.

Plants help to shape our culture and provide inspiration for writers, artists and poets. They are steeped in history and folklore and illuminate significant life events like birth, marriage and death.

The trade in ornamental plants and trees forms a major part of the world economy

Plants are an important part of our heritage that we must not deny to future generations.

Plants are a precious resource requiring effective, wise and sustainable management. The genetic diversity between and within plant species is being eroded each year.



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