Why sovereignty called the soul of a state ???
The sovereignty is the life and soul of the state and it cannot be alienated without destroying the state itself. The state needs to be keep in society in control and enforce the law through the police force. ... so the sovereignty is called as the soul of the state
●Sovereignty is the life and soul of the state and it cannot be alienated without destroying the stateitself.Lieber has very aptly remarked in this connection:
●“Sovereignty can no more be alienated than a tree can alienate its right to sprout or a man can transfer his life or personality to another without self-destruction”.
●Unity:Unity is the very spirit of Sovereignty. The sovereign state is united just as we are united.
●Imperscriptibility:By imperscriptibility, we mean that if the sovereign does not exercise his sovereignty for a certain period of time, it does not lead to the destruction of sovereignty. It lasts as long as the state lasts.